We have conducted various events at the districts level throughout this country from June 2020 to the present.
January 2022 – Present
- 09 March 2022, Optimizing the Use of Village Funds to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Kampar District
- 08 March 2022, Workshop on Management of Malnutrition and Tiered Referrals to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Mojokerto City
- 24 February 2022, Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Use of Processed Food for Special Medical Indications (PKMK) in Pati Regency.
- 18 February 2022, Stunting Reduction Strategy in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency with PKMK intervention in accordance with PMK 29 yrs 2019
- 17 February 2022, Nutrition in children for the treatment of stunting and obesity in Tegal
- 16 February 2022, Breakthrough in the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in Kab. Ngawi
- 10 February 2022, Breakthrough in the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in Madiun City
- 10 February 2022, Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Use of Processed Food for Special Medical Indications (PKMK) in Tabanan Regency.
January – December 2021
- 15 December 2021, Breakthrough in the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in Kab. Bondowoso
- 16 November 2021, Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Interventions to Prevent Stunting in Sumenep District
- 02 November 2021, PKMK (Special Medical Needs Food) surgery is a specific intervention in the individual health effort program (UKP) in Kab. Bantul
- 18 October 2021, Regional Readiness in Efforts to Overcome Stunting in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kab. Aceh Besar.
- 08 September 2021, Efforts for Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Interventions to Prevent Stunting due to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Pamekasan Regency.
- 31 August 2021, Efforts for Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Interventions to Prevent Stunting due to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jember Regency.
- 12 August 2021, Optimization of funding and utilization of village funds for the convergence of stunting prevention in villages in Cilacap District
- 04 August 2021, Breakthrough in accelerating stunting reduction through strengthening specific interventions based on Permenkes No.29 of 2019 in Barito Kuala District
- 04 August 2021, Breakthrough in accelerating stunting reduction through strengthening specific interventions in stunting prevention programs through budget allocation through village funds to achieve the 14% target by 2024 in Pandeglang Regency
- 03 August 2021, Breakthrough in accelerating stunting reduction through strengthening specific interventions in stunting prevention programs through budget allocation through village funds to achieve the target of 14% by 2024 in Kab. Maros
- 30 July 2021, National Children Day in South Sumatera
- 08 July 2021, Acceleration of Stunting Reduction through Strengthening Specific Interventions Based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 29 of 2019 in Kediri Regency
- 29 June 2021, Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Interventions to Prevent Stunting in Mojokerto City
- 28 June 2021, “A Great Family Prevents Stunting”, “JAMA PAI Prevents Stunting, Towards a Brilliant Metro”.
- 24 June 2021, Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Interventions to Prevent Stunting in the City of Kediri.
- 17 June 2021, Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Use of Processed Food for Special Medical Indications (PKMK) for the Prevention and Reduction of Stunting in Banyumas Regency
- 03 June 2021, Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Use of Processed Food for Special Medical Indications (PKMK) for Prevention and Reduction of Stunting in Pekalongan Regency
- 06 May 2021, Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Interventions to Prevent Stunting in Pasuruan City
- 04 May 2021, Provincial and regional synergy in accelerating stunting reduction in West Papua province
- 29 April 2021, Handling stunting in Wonosobo Regency during the Covid 19 pandemic
- 27 April 2021, Early detection of nutritional problems and the use of processed food for special medical indications (PKMK) for the prevention and reduction of stunting in Kebumen Regency
- 15 April 2021, Breakthroughs in accelerating stunting reduction through policies, strengthening specific and sensitive interventions in Ponorogo Regency
- 13 April 2021, Cross-sectoral convergence in an effort to accelerate stunting reduction in Purwakarta district
- 12 April 2021, Regional Readiness in Efforts to Overcome Stunting in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in East Pgan Komering Ulu
- 08 April 2021, Early detection of nutritional problems and interventions to prevent stunting in Gresik Regency
- 07 April 2021, Breakthrough in accelerating stunting reduction through strengthening specific interventions in the Community Health Program (UKM) in the Kendal Regency Region
- 01 April 2021, Evaluation and Strengthening of Policies in Handling Stunting in Malang Regency
- 30 March 2021, Early Detection of Nutritional Problems and Interventions to Prevent Stunting in Pasuruan District
- 29 March 2021, Readiness of Lumajang Regency in Efforts to Overcome Stunting in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 25 March 2021, Breakthrough in accelerating stunting reduction through strengthening specific interventions in the Individual Health Effort program (UKP) to achieve the 14% target by 2024 in Bojonegoro Regency
- 17 March 2021, Breakthrough in accelerating stunting reduction through policies to strengthen specific and sensitive interventions in Banjarbaru City
- 16 March 2021, Acceleration of Stunting Reduction through Strengthening Specific Interventions in Parigi Moutong District
- 10 March 2021, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID 19 pandemic in North Luwu Regency
- 10 March 2021, Let’s prevent and deal with stunting together to create a quality golden generation in Sorong City, West Papua
- 09 March 2021, Readiness of Musi Banyuasin Regency in Efforts to Overcome Stunting in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 04 March 2021, Acceleration of stunting reduction through strengthening of Semarang City specific interventions
- 03 March 2021, Prevention and control of stunting during the Covid 19 pandemic in Cilacap Regency
- 26 February 2021, Prevention of Stunting in the New Habit Adaptation Era in Payakumbuh City
- 25 February 2021, Let’s prevent and deal with stunting and malnutrition, together to create a quality golden generation in South Sorong Regency, West Papua
- 25 February 2021, Acceleration of stunting reduction through strengthening specific interventions in the individual health effort program (UKP) in Bantul Regency
- 24 February 2021, Efforts to Overcome Nutritional Problems in the 1000 HPK Period During the Covid19 Pandemic in Bukittinggi City
- 23 February 2021, Breakthrough in accelerating stunting reduction through strengthening specific interventions in individual health efforts (UKP) programs in Kudus District
- 18 February 2021, Utilization of Village Funds in Stunting Convergence in Serang District
- 11 February 2021, Prevention and Handling of Stunting in Banjarnegara Regency during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 10 February 2021, Prevention and Handling of Stunting in Kebumen Regency during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 27 January 2021, Breakthrough in accelerating stunting reduction through strengthening specific interventions in the Community Health Program (UKM) in the Nagekeo District, NTT
- 26 January 2021, Healthy teenagers, free of anemia in Madiun
- 22 January 2021, Strategic Policy in Accelerating Stunting Reduction in Malang Regency
- 21 January 2021, Readiness of Tegal City in Efforts to Overcome Stunting in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 19 January 2021, Preventing Stunting in Serang District
- 18 January 2021, Strengthening Nutrition Surveillance and debriefing on stunting convergence in Penukal Akad Pematang Ilir
June – December 2020
- 26 December 2020, Training on early detection of nutritional status as a step to prevent stunting in Pontianak City
- 17 December 2020, Convergence, Cross Program/Sector Coordination for stunting reduction in Pringsewu District
- 15 October 2020, Early detection of nutritional status as the first step in stunting prevention interventions in Malang Regency
- 05 October 2020, Actions for Early Detection of Malnutrition and Interventions to Prevent Stunting in Malang City
- 29 September 2020, Strengthening Regional Policies as a Legal Umbrella for Using Village Funds for Stunting in Kuburaya District
- 23 September 2020, Preparedness for Prevention and Reduction of Stunting in Sigi District
- 16 September 2020, Management of High Risk for Pregnant Women and Babies in Prevention of Stunting in the Pandemic Era in Pati District
- 15 September 2020, Cross-Sectoral Convergence in the context of reducing stunting rates in Central Lampung District
- 11 September 2020, Readiness of the District and Village Governments in reducing stunting rates in South OKU District
- 04 September 2020, Let’s Prevent and Handle Stunting Together to Create a Quality Golden Generation in Sintang District
- 27 August 2020, Regional Readiness in Stunting Prevention Efforts during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Boyolali District
- 25 August 2020, Stunting Prevention and Control Program by Utilizing Village Funds in Southwest Sumba District
- 29 July 2020, Synergy between the Health Office and RSUD in the effort to prevent and control stunting in East Java
- 27 July 2020, The role of the Village Fund for specific nutrition interventions to reduce stunting in Pasawaran District
- 21 July 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Grobogan Regency
- 21 July 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kuburaya Regency
- 15 July 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Maros Regency
- 14 July 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Gorontalo Regency
- 14 July 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Situbondo Regency
- 13 July 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Majenene Regency
- 06 July 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Central Mamuju Regency
- 01 July 2020, Stunting Conference in Pekalongan Regency
- 30 June 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Blora Regency
- 29 June 2020, Converge Action to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Lahat District
- 19 June 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lebak Regency
- 11 June 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to tackle stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in East Aceh District
- 10 June 2020, Regional readiness in efforts to combat stunting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in Metro City